Lucky Fabb, The Event

Skirt: Thrift
Today’s Lucky Fabb event was definitely eye opening. I feel like I learned a lot and will be making some changes to the blog shortly (nothing drastic). First and foremost, I’m going to start writing a little more! I miss the posts where I used to rant and ramble. I figured no one would read what I was writing, but I want to give you more of my personality and there’s no better way to do that than to share some good ole’ stories.
I’d also like to use the blog as more of a jumping point for discussion… more on that in the coming days.
AG Fall Collection. Gorgeous jewel tones.
Opted for wedge sneakers instead of the ballet flats I featured here. It was threatening rain and I didn’t want my suede shoes to get ruined!
Above, is one of the panels. I was so happy to hear Leandra speak. She’s so articulate and really has some creative new ideas for the blogosphere.