Denim wedding: modern and cheap

Denim wedding; how to decorate? How to bring your denim wedding concept to life? We offer many ideas to decorate and create the image of the bride and groom. All master classes include step-by-step pictures.
A denim wedding allows you to save significantly on the bride and groom’s clothes and spend the holiday modernly. The master class and step-by-step photographs contain several lessons that will teach you how to make accessories, decorate the hall and sweets, and prepare clothes for newlyweds and their friends.
If guests and newlyweds want to relax on the wedding day and look modern, you can celebrate unusually.
Bridal search for a denim wedding
Every girl wants to shine on this great day. If you can buy a denim-style wedding dress, do it.
If you’re on a budget, try making the clothes yourself. Our master class and photos for it will help you with this.
To make such a wedding dress, you will need:
- Jeans or articles thereof;
- White knitted fabric;
- White taffeta or matching tulle;
- Light decorative elements for the costume;
- White lace;
- Sewing products.
Reshape the dress to your size. Or you can make it easier, take a pair of jeans, rip off the strap and sew along the neckline a length of white stitching with jeans flowers. Shorten the sundress to the desired size. A petticoat made of white knitted fabric is used as a lower skirt. Make a lush fringe from the scraps of this material, which must also be sewn into the dress. Thread the taffeta rectangle on top with a needle or sew on a typewriter and then pull the thread.
With this gathered part, you need to sew an open seam on the back of the skirt.
Use the remaining jeans to make a gorgeous leg decoration. Stretchy material is best for this. You can take an old pair of jeans from this line and cut off the ankle part.
Open the seam and cut off the left and right sides of the seam to insert strips of white ribbon with holes. You stretch the lace through the hole and tie the jewelry on the leg. A denim wedding will make the bride feel good and comfortable.
As you can see, a corset made of jeans and a long skirt made of the same material is suitable for the next outfit; if you already have such an outfit, it remains to buy white stitches. You will sew part of it on the hem, and a small piece will decorate the place from the left breast to the right thigh. It remains to make a veil of transparent material, and the bride’s image is ready.
See how beautiful a taffeta skirt looks. But for this, you need several meters of material. But you don’t have to think long about the outfit’s top. It is perfect if a girl’s wardrobe includes a denim jacket or outfit. A leather strap will show that the bride has a thin waist.
If you want even more originality, you can lay the foundation for a skirt made of white canvas, which is shorter in the front and longer in the back. Then equal lengths of flow are cut out and sewn onto this skirt.
Cut the denim skirt so that it reaches mid-thigh. Sew the white outfit you just made to this base. As a top, you can use a fitted jean corset and go with a jacket made of the same material.
In the next outfit, the bride will look fashionable and sexy.
To make it for a denim wedding, you need to shape the corset with cups to the size of the girl. All the elements are cut from jeans, and cups from jeans are sewn on top, trimmed with a white silk braid. The sleeves are also cut from a translucent material along with the shoulders and fluffy skirt. A small bowler hat made of light satin will complete the charming look. Denim boots or white shoes are acceptable here.
You can even use unwanted jeans in the next outfit. Their upper part is cut to the middle of the thigh. She is the one who needs it. Measure the taffeta size and cut a wide strip to hold it tight. Sew this part of the skirt to the jeans fold you just cut.
The next dress from jeans is easy to make with your hands. The skirt consists of several gussets. The pattern on the top is quite simple; it is slightly finished. The neckline can be straight or V-shaped. A semi-circular will also look good if a white lace is located at the bottom of the waist. If desired, sew on fluffy white guipure sleeves, pictured to the left. You can decorate the front of the dress with open white stickers, like the model in the middle. These stickers are sold in dry goods stores. You can make it even easier by sewing a white lace braid on top and along the dress hem, like on the bride pictured to the right.
For more mature women, the option is suitable when the dress is made in the form of a swimsuit with a semi-open back. And if it is a sundress, you need to sew a bolero vest with sleeves, decorate the top of the dress with white lace, and put on boots of the same color.
You don’t have to spend money on clothes for a cheap wedding. Order t-shirts with the bride and groom’s names and have the young people wear them. Regular jeans will complement the outfit. To show that this is a bride, put on a veil and a transparent skirt with a wide belt of the same material. This garment will be decorated with a fabric flower.
So we smoothly moved on to the groom’s picture. But, unlike the bride, the young man does not have many options and is unlikely to want to think about his clothes for a long time. If you have jeans, a vest and a white shirt in your wardrobe, this is more than enough to dress for a wedding.
And if you want to come in regular pants, a denim vest will do. See how a couple in love looks coordinated in a simple dress.
You can buy a denim jacket, white shirt, and dress pants to complete the look.
Friends of the groom should dress alike, with blue jeans, a white jacket, and dark bow ties to match their look. They can be made from leftover jeans. Let the girls wear a blue dress and the bride in white jeans.
See what other clothes you can think of for your groomsmen. Girls can wear the same denim jackets, as BurgundyBurgundy, white skirts look good. If the lower part of the bridesmaids’ dresses is BurgundyBurgundy, let the bride wear white.
See what else you can sew and make with your hands if you have a wedding in jeans or dresses from this material.
Jeans for wedding accessories
You can use the mural to decorate the wine glasses. It is better to decorate glasses in shades of blue to match the denim wedding.
To beautifully decorate such glasses for a denim wedding, take:
- Alcohol;
- Acrylic paint;
- Circuit;
- Flowers from jeans;
- Brush;
- White and blue satin ribbons.
First, you must wash the glasses, dry them and then dry them with alcohol. Then the paint will lay better.
Use stencils to create beautiful patterns. Place it on the glass and paint with acrylic paint.
Once dry, outline the stem of the glass.
Now decorate the glasses with blue fabric flowers or jeans. You can glue beads of the same color here. Decorate the legs of the mirrors in the same way, and tie a thin satin braid.
The following master class and step-by-step photographs will tell you how to decorate wedding glasses in the appropriate style quickly.
- Wine glasses;
- Jeans;
- Scissors;
- Open lace;
- Blue acrylic paint;
- Brush;
- Thin silver ribbon;
- Glue gun.
Lubricate the outside of glasses with alcohol, and paint the leg blue. I can warp the thinnest part with blue thread. Cut a square from the jeans and sew an open ribbon to its edges. Attach this piece to the glass with the corner up, connect the successive two corners on the back and sew them. Attach a bow to the bottom corner. You can glue these gaps to the wine glasses, but it’s better to tie them tightly here.
Champagne bottles are also decorated in the same style. Wear jeans for that.
These canvases go around the containers; on the back side, you need to connect their edges and sew. Sew lace jeans on the canvas, decorate the bottles with white satin ribbon, and tie them in the form of a bow. And the edges need to be seared over the flame. So that the bride can put her makeup, phone, and other small items in her bag and cover the jeans, the edges of this material must first be dissolved with a needle and remove excess threads. Paste the jeans and the taffeta flower here.
How to make a boutonniere, a bridal bouquet for a denim wedding?
In this combination, blue or blue tones should be present, since this is the color of jeans. Suppose you make a bridal bouquet of fresh flowers when you have delphiniums and irises. If you want to create a delicate composition, add blue cornflowers to it.
This flower can act as a boutonniere in the picture on the left suit.
And in the picture on the top right, the groom used a succulent plant. You can also decorate a waistcoat or jacket with a small rose. And the most common shoes will do. The bride’s dress can also be decorated with flowers.
To make a bow for the groom, cut a small rectangle from a pair of jeans, attach a lace ribbon of the same size, and tie it in the middle with a pair of jeans. Sew the bow here to hold the bow in place.
- And if you liked the denim flower on the top left of the picture, you need to cut out the petals from the jeans, fold their upper edges and glue them, so they stay in this position.
- Now you need to collect the flower, starting from the center. To do this, each petal is glued to the next. If you want to make a simple piece of jewelry, cut a strip of fringed jeans and twist it into a circle.
- Glue the bends in the middle, and glue the pearl in the middle. Attach a wire to such a boutonniere, which needs to be wrapped with yarn.

If you want to make flowers from jeans quickly, then the next master class is for you. Then you can assemble a bridal bouquet from such elements and complement it with wire, on which white artificial pearlite.
To make this simple flower, you only need:
- Jeans;
- Scissors;
- Glue;
- Needle;
- Thread.
Cut a long, narrow strip of denim. Use a needle to tear the long upper edge. Now twist the ribbon and glue the twists to each other. Make some of these colors. Make a bridal bouquet out of them.
To make flowers from jeans in a different style, you can use old pants from this material.
Cut 5 identical squares from them and then draw a flower consisting of 4 petals on each with a stencil or freehand.
Cut out these elements and lay them on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern.
Sew down the middle to secure the jeans. Beads need to be sewn in the middle, which will help to decorate them.
These flowers are also perfect for a denim wedding. You can use them to decorate a bridal bouquet or where the wedding will be celebrated.
You can also sew the next flower from unnecessary clothing. To do this, it will be necessary to cut out such a beautiful spiral from a square of this material with wave-like movements.
Now gather it into a flower, sew in the middle and sew jeans to cover the core.
A denim wedding will look good if you have a lot of jewelry like this. See how to do the following.
For this, you need:
- Old denim clothes;
- Scissors;
- Needle;
- Thread;
- A beautiful button or pearls.
Cut 7 flowers of different sizes from your jeans. Each of them consists of 5 petals. Fold them so that the smallest element is at the top and the largest at the bottom.
Now you need to sew them to connect the leaves.
Turn the workpiece to the right and sew a beautiful button or pearls in the middle.
To make the next flower for the bride, you need beautiful buttons or a small brochure in addition to jeans. First, cut a rectangle from an unwanted pair of jeans, then fold it in half and draw a circle. Cut it along this outline.
The edges of the circle must be notched to make petals. Connect the two blanks by overlapping each other. Attach a button in the middle and sew the elements to make a flower.
You can make the petals thinner and narrower. To do this, you need to cut the edges of the circles into strips. You can sew a blank made of thick fabric or leather in the middle of the flower.
Then must collect the flowers prepared in this way into a bouquet. To do this, use this tool.
You can glue a twig here to make flower legs. Rose stems without thorns will also look beautiful. They are glued to the back of the tape and then attached to the foot of this device. The upper part should be pasted with rose petals and then decorated with white satin ribbon.
It is what a bridal bouquet can be. In addition to jeans flowers, it is decorated with flowers of other blue and light blue dense material. Have sprigs of green drupe here.
You can take a solid white material and make roses out of it. Tie them with blue silk ribbons and decorate them with narrow satin ribbons.
Flowers that you decorate with wire flowers or beads will also look fantastic.
Don’t forget to plan the wedding procession too. Flowers in off-white fabric, embellished with blue mesh, will also declare that this is a denim wedding.
Guest invitations should also be in denim style. See what envelopes and postcards can be.
Wedding invitations in denim
Cutting up an old pair of jeans works well for this. Therefore, you do not need to spend money on such cards, but only on your time. Cut the jeans into rectangles and remove the excess threads from the four sides to create a beautiful border. But don’t throw these threads; put them together and tie them with the exact string in the middle. You will get a charming bow.
If you know how to embroider, embroider two circles with gold or yellow thread on the back of the denim corner. If this is not possible, you can draw them with a marker or take gold ribbons, bend them in the form of circles and sew them on your hands. This blank is glued to cardboard but must cut its edges in a zigzag pattern.
Print the invitations on a printer and glue each to your card. You only have to type the names of this message’s recipients manually.
The following cards for denim weddings are made in the form of shirts from this material. Make them out of blue cardboard. Glue the blanket in the middle, and the buttons are made of orange paper. You can fold sheets of paper using the origami technique. You get such original postcards.
Wedding invitations made of white cardboard look beautiful. You need to glue the jeans rectangles to it and cut out the wavy right edge. Above, you need to attach open-cut light cardboard on which the names of the couple and the date of the celebration will be printed. The card is also decorated with a cardboard bow on the front. You can add open silk elements by gluing them to the upper right and lower left corners. Secure the card with a white satin braid.
You can bid without wearing jeans. To do this, white glue cardboard on blue cardboard, slightly smaller than the previous one, so there are small dark squares on all sides. Write an invitation. A small postcard is made in the same style, where the signatures of the newlyweds are located. Attach it to a wide strip of burlap, then wrap the postcard and attach the ends of this strip to the back.
Denim wedding decorations
Many other accessories can also be made by hand so as not to spend money on the purchase. But you need to prepare all this in advance. A bride and bridesmaids can show off their skills by creating the following accessories.
If the girls or their friends already have an unnecessary pair of jeans, you will need to cut the part with the back pocket of these pants. Take the cut points twice and sew on a typewriter. Place the napkin on the table and the napkin and cutlery in the bag.
Jeans make beautiful decorative elements for candlesticks. Place them in transparent fireproof glasses beforehand to prevent candles from catching fire. Sew the edges of each tape, and decorate these elements with buttons or sewing. Make napkins from jeans rectangles, or put a canvas in the center of the table to place various dishes on it. We will use even small remnants of this material. Make small flowers out of them and decorate the chair covers with them.
You need to make a cushion for the rings in advance. To make one, sew stripes from different shades of jeans, and grind them to get one canvas. But you need to leave a gap where you put the rings.
Even an old wall with half of the blue paint peeled off is suitable for decoration if you’re celebrating in nature. Attach a postcard here, on which it will be written, on which occasion everyone has gathered.
You can make a cake out of cardboard and decorate it with jeans, flowers, buttons, and ribbons. Such an element of decor will also look good at a denim wedding and glasses painted with blue paint.
If there is a lot of jeans or other similar material, will remove the case of fabrics. Lay this canvas on the sides of the cloth you can decorate with ribbons cut from various materials. Beige, white, and blue tones are enough.
Attach these strips to tight rope for a pretty border. You can tear jeans pockets and sew them on blue cloth napkins. You will also include paper napkins and cutlery here.
A wooden terrace can be used as a wedding arch. Decorate it with blue cloth. Create beautiful curtains from the same canvas.
Arrange flowers on the tables, including blue wreaths.
If you have some jeans left over, make a lovely curtain.
For her, you need:
- Straight stick;
- Jeans;
- Scissors;
- Needle with thread.
Cut the denim into strips and tie them on a stick. Now start weaving in the next pair of jeans and stuff them together. Such a curtain is taken in the picture at the top right.
Blue and white glasses look good among the napkins decorated with denim pockets. To seat all the guests, you must first give each one a serial number and draw the same number with a rag pen on a small cut on the tree. With the help of such an element, you can create small compositions by placing jars of flowers here, tying burlap, and eating with this container. Also, put candles, spice packets here, and decorate everything with moss. Place these decorative items on a table with blue tablecloths.
The halls decorated in white colors look festive. But to make it clear that this is a denim wedding, have the chairs have blue backs and seats, or make covers in that color. If you are celebrating in nature, attach some postcards where it will be written on what occasion everyone has gathered. You can place the arch near the lagoon and put white chairs in front.
If you want, first put light-colored covers on the chairs and tie them with blue ribbons.
Lay down a blue cloth blanket. And if you want to hide from the sun, put a fabric tent.
Denim wedding candy
They must also be done in the right style because this is a denim wedding. Decorate the pastry with white buttercream and place the small cookies wrapped in blue edible dough on top. These elements are made in the form of jeans pockets. Since the cake is multi-tiered, each such floor can be placed in a circular box, decorating the sides of this container with jeans beds and lace braid. Place flowers and fruits on the tables.
If there are not enough chairs for all the guests, set up benches with blue and blue pillows.
A cake decorated with mastic will look great, to which blue food coloring has been added. Using a thin nozzle from a cooking syringe, you can show a light line in the jeans pocket of a white mast. Mastic flowers will also be appropriate for this cake.
Cakes are also decorated with sugar mastic in blue and white. Blue will make edible jeans.
The cakes are placed in blue corrugated paper napkins and tied with a rope. You can make the potato cake by adding blue food coloring. These sweets are rolled in the form of balls, and a wooden skewer is placed on top so that you can eat such portioned dishes. The blue sugar mastic cake looks like a jeans pocket. Various cakes are decorated with this sweet.
Entertainment for guests at a denim wedding
This event should be not only tasty but also fun. For the guests not to be bored, you need to think in advance about the day’s cultural program.
Since jeans were invented in the West, various competitions popular in those places will be suitable. For example, you can drag the lasso as in the image to the right instead of tension. At night, turn on the sparklers to light up the dance floor. You can organize an archery competition and choose the most accurate ones. Shooting with horses in the background will also add a western flair, especially if the groom is wearing a cowboy hat.
Of course, you need to choose the music in advance to fit the theme of the day.
If you are interested in this type of wedding, see how such an event goes. As you can see, this type of marriage will significantly reduce the clothes cost for young people. And entertainment is guaranteed anyway!