May 2011

I honestly couldn’t resist purchasing this shirt. I know it’s all over the blog-o-sphere/ the world but I absolutely love it! The shoulder detail, the green and black stripes… I mean Beetle Juice himself couldn’t have made a better shirt.
Don’t you just love my diaper shorts? Yes, that’s right… I said it… diaper shorts. They’re seriously insanely comfortable and oh-so-baggy, a girl’s dream (and by a girl, I mean me). I just managed to write a sentence with two “ly” ending words in a row… these shorts are just that great people!
Zara blouse, House of Harlow necklace, Current Elliot shorts and Target shoes
From left to right: Forever 21 bracelet, Forever 21 cross ring, Soho Good Jewlery knuckle ring, Balenciaga bracelet, Forever 21 bracelet, Hermes bracelet, LF bracelet
I wish I could tell you what I was doing here but once again I’m acting a fool for no apparent reason. It’s why people love me I think; standing next to me they’re instantly cooler (by comparison obviously because I’m so bizarre). BTW I’m attempting to read the N (new) Y (york) T (times) now every day on the subway. That’s right people, I can read. Believe me I’m just as shocked as you are. I’m trying to keep up with current events so if in the future someone were to mention something, I may actually know what it is. Me actually retaining any of this knowledge is an unlikely occurrence, but honestly who knows what could happen!
Get used to the abbreviation NYT I’m going to try and use it a lot more on this blog. Relaying my vast knowledge of current events here will make me feel somewhat accomplished (HA even I had to laugh at that one).
On a sadder note, ABC cancelled Brothers and Sisters and, although no one cares, (clearly the reason why they cancelled it, I was the sole watcher) I’m devastated and will have to take to watching a Netflix marathon.