


I am shocked by the price of clothing. I’m not sure if my taste has gotten more expensive or if clothes are actually going up in price. I had been lusting after the IRO Delfina sweater, however, the steep price tag made my heart skip a beat. I even found the Outnet’s discounted price of $168.75 too high. Feeling down in the dumps, and constantly refreshing the Outnet to see if there were any promotions, I was getting nowhere. 

When I first came across the Delfina I had checked Forever 21 for more reasonably priced alternatives. Unfortunately the site didn’t have anything that looked similar to the sweater. Just yesterday, however, I was browsing through the holiday sale on Piperlime and I came across the JOA sweater featured above. I could not believe my eyes, the resemblance to my beloved Delfina was almost identical. I had absolutely no hesitations when I purchased the JOA sweater – I’m still in awe of the deal I scored! 

*Collage created by Gabriela Monsanto. 
