Hair extensions: Types of hair extensions

Types Of Hair Extensions

Hair extensions: indications for use, contraindications, types and technologies for lengthening strands, rules for treating curls. Hair extensions are one of beauty salons’ most popular cosmetic services. Making long and luxurious curls will give women a unique charm and sexuality.

Indications and contraindications for hair extensions

Hair extension is a universal procedure that allows you to change the length of your curls and their volume, density, color, and structure.

There are several problems that hair extension procedures can address:

  • In the presence of thin and sparse hair, you can increase the volume several times by lengthening the strands.
  • Change your picture if you want.
  • I need to grow long hair.
  • For color changes without harming natural hair (highlighting, coloring).
  • To create an original hairstyle for any occasion – build rhinestones, braids, or dreadlocks.

Regarding contraindications for hair extensions, there are possible side effects of the procedure:

  • Extensions are not recommended for seborrhea, psoriasis, and fungal diseases.
  • If allergic to the material used during the process. Before you start building, testing all products for allergic reactions is recommended.
  • Should be postponed with hair extensions for pregnant women and girls under 16 years old with hormonal failure. In this case, the hair is already fragile due to the body’s restructuring, and donor hair extensions are a severe burden for them.
  • If your hair length is less than 5 cm, you may get poor-quality curls, and the adhesion may last only a short time.
  • Hair extensions for fragile and damaged hair are not recommended.
  • This procedure is not suitable for people who are prone to baldness.
  • If there are injuries to the scalp, it is recommended to wait until they are completely healed and only need to do hair extensions.

Types of hair extensions

There are several types of hair used to extend strands:

  • Slavic hair … These are high-quality curls, which is why they are the highest and most expensive. They have smooth cuticles and look fabulous without treatment. In the production of such rings, the scaly layer is wholly preserved. Slavic hair is straight, curly, and curly. This type of strand is very suitable for the beauty of Slavic appearance. They are easy to dry, style, and create original hairstyles.
  • European hair: This curl can be imported from Europe, India, or Latin America. Their price policy is much higher than the Asian ones, which cannot be said about the quality. Making strands for extensions consists of pre-acidifying hair, dyeing, and processing with silicone. In this case, the upper debris layer can be removed entirely or partially. This hair is suitable for coarse, thick, and thick women.
  • Asian Hair … Curly from China and Korea. This type of hair can be described as the cheapest and lowest quality. The technology to produce such curls consists of cleaning the upper scaly layer, grinding, painting, and coating with silicone. At first glance, such hair looks attractive, but only before the first wash. Then they lose light, tangle, and electricity.

Making the right choice about the hair type, length, and color will help the master you contact.

Hot hair splicing feature

The essence of the process is to use a heated adhesive (keratin or resin), which is applied to the hair strands and glued to the roots using a particular gun or thermal clamps. A unique capsule acts as a stopper. It is entirely invisible but can securely hold a single strand of hair. The hot hair extension method has many benefits. The main thing is the rapid increase in length and the creation of volume and density.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Capsule Hair Extensions

Recently, among professional stylists, capsule extensions have gained particular popularity, which several times improves the aesthetic characteristics of hair. The technology of this process consists of attaching donor strands to the natural hair using a liquid keratin capsule. The number of tablets depends on the desired effect and the number of curls installed.

The main advantage of capsule extensions is the ability to create original and complex hairstyles. It is because a thin sheet is used in the process, and the installation capsule is almost invisible. Curls can be straightened with an iron, permed, finished hairstyles, twisted on curlers and papillotes, dyed, and toned.

You can extend hair on bangs, partings, and temples using the capsule heat method. At the same time, extended strands are not combed and worn for a long time. With such hair, you can visit the sauna and solarium without restrictions. Capsules will not degrade when exposed to high temperatures.

In addition, the hair attached to the capsule is elegant in maintenance. To maintain the natural beauty of curls, they can be washed regularly, combed, and even dried with a hair dryer. In addition, capsule extensions allow not only increase the length of the hair but also increase the amount of volume. After all, with capsules, strands can be attached to the entire head in the necessary places and not in one row.

Although there are many advantages, hot hair extensions have their disadvantages:

  • Capsules can sometimes slip.
  • If the tablet is large, it will cause discomfort when lying down for several days after the accumulation.
  • In girls with an overly oily scalp, the tablet will gradually collapse under the influence of fat.
  • Do not apply balms and masks directly to the tablet; this can damage it.

It is worth noting the contraindications for this method of expansion. It is unsuitable for girls with thin hair or hair loss.

Hot hair extension technique for capsules

Hair extensions, however, like other cosmetic procedures, require preparation. Therefore, before proceeding with the extension of the strands, you must wash and dry the hair thoroughly. Do not use additional hair care products such as conditioners, rinses, or masks when washing your hair. It is recommended to be patient, as the procedure takes about 3 hours.

Heat enhancement is done using two leading technologies:

  • Italian hair extension technology … The safest and safest hot procedure. For lengthening, strands with keratin resin are already used. They are consistently attached to the natural hair using double-sided thermal clamps, which are adjusted to a specific temperature. An indistinct transparent color capsule is formed at the intersection, immediately taking on the hair’s shade. Italian technology capsules are so durable that they are resistant to perms, hair coloring, bathing, and water treatments. Also, the donor hair in the tablet is not combed while wearing and does not negatively affect the natural hair. If it is necessary to remove the hair extension, use a gel-like agent that soaks the capsule immediately—the duration of wearing hair extensions according to Italian technology – from 4 to 6 months.
  • English hair expansion technology … Just like the previous technique, it refers to several hot procedures. The point is to build curls using fire-resistant resin based on organic materials. Capsules for this process are formed under a specific temperature and squeezed with a particular gun. English technology, unlike Italian technology, was less practical. It’s all about the capsule for the strands, which are several times larger and more noticeable. The effect of hair extension is not more than 3 months.

The fabulous hair extension feature

The technology of this method does not include the use of exceptional adhesive thermal heating. The strands are securely attached to the natural hair and do not fall out when combing. Curls with a cold temperature can be washed using conditioner, balm, and mask. They are entirely harmless to the compound. As a rule, challenging extension involves the tape method of attaching the hair.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair bands

Bonding tape type refers to the cold hair joining method. For its implementation, special adhesive tape and donor hair strands are used. Tape splicing is the fastest way, as it does not require special thermal equipment. The adhesive composition is safe for hair and scalp and, if necessary, can be removed easily and thoroughly using a unique solution.

The main advantage of tape stacking is the use of non-toxic materials and the absence of high temperatures. The duration of the effect of this method depends on proper hair care. On average, it is around one year.

With hair extended with tape, there are no limits to the action. You can visit the solarium, swimming pool, and sauna with curls without fear that the strands will fall out.

Also, the cold buildup is softer than the hot. The hair has minimal adverse effects during the lengthening procedure. The capsules consist of surgical glue and are as vital as the keratin used for heat augmentation.

A significant disadvantage of this method is the visibility of lines when making hairstyles.

There may also be such disadvantages:

  • With improper cold extensions, donor hair may start to fall out. The same can happen with your curls.
  • If the capsule is not placed correctly, a mat can always form.
  • Your hair can react negatively to the adhesive’s chemical attack.

However, this method’s disadvantages are more related to the peculiarities of improper hair extension. If the procedure is done correctly, then problems, as a rule, will not arise.

Hair extension technology using rope

Cold hair extension can also be done using various technologies:

  • Spanish hair extension technology … It’s an excellent process. An adhesive composition is used for it, which includes glue, activator, and dye: for light hair – white and for dark hair – black. A miniature capsule is applied to the donor strand extension, which provides a firm hold with the natural hair. The term for wearing hair extensions using Spanish is around 4 months. After the expiration of the time, curls require correction or removal, which is done using a particular solvent.
  • Japanese hair extension technology … Refers to the cold method. This technique uses beads, clips, or special metal clips. The donor strip is attached to the accessory at the root of the hair. Using a small hook, the curls are tied to a clip or clips and fastened with special pliers. Glue is not used in this technique, and the fixative is selected according to the hair color. Correction is recommended 2 months after construction.
Types Of Hair Extensions
Types Of Hair Extensions

A type of hair extension using braids

In addition to the widespread types of cold and hot hair extensions, braided hair extensions have recently gained popularity. This method was specially developed to protect natural hair as much as possible from the adverse effects of chemicals and heat.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair extensions

The hair, which is extended in this way, is held tightly, and the attachment points of the curls are almost invisible. This method uses skinny pigtails at the back of the head. Once ready, the strands are attached to it as a weft. The last is hair, processed and connected at the base so that it looks like a narrow strip. One rod is sewn to each braid.

Usually, corrections should be done every two months. In this case, the stem is removed, and the pigtails need to be woven closer to the scalp. After that, the weft is sewn back. You can use it over and over again.

It is possible to lengthen hair in this way, regardless of its structure, color, volume, and thickness. Braided pigtails at the base of the hair do not cause difficulties. This extension method is entirely harmless. There is no thermal or chemical effect on the hair. And the procedure is done faster than all other types of connection.

Regarding the disadvantages of this hair extension method, it can only be noted that the use of braids limits the use of certain hairstyles. So, it would help if you gave up the high hairstyle, even parting.

Also, building tresses is referred to as a short-term method. Depending on the intensity of hair growth, the regrowth should be done in 2-3 months.

Hair Extension Method Using Braids

The method of connecting hair in pigtails is made using two technologies:

  • Brazilian lift … This is the latest and gentlest way. The procedure includes false strands with your hair. In this case, one of the three strands is your hair, and two are artificial. The braid is tied up to 1/8 of the entire length of the hair.
  • African enhancement … This technology uses woven hair that is sewn. In the process, the master weaves an African braid at the back of the head and sews a woven cloth over it.


Today, hair extensions are a pretty popular procedure. With high-quality extensions and following all the rules for hair care, you can get a stylish hairstyle for several months, at least.