Atkins diet: What foods do you eat on an Atkins diet?

Atkins diet; learn how to burn subcutaneous fat correctly without psychological discomfort and with 100% success. Do you want to lose up to 10 kg? Now you have such an opportunity. Almost every low-carb diet plan is controversial. After the latest publications about the Atkins diet, she became the most talked about. Admittedly, the controversy between the fans and opponents of low-carb nutritional plans continues.
Often the same diet has precisely the opposite effect on different people. However, the most important thing here is not the result itself but the effect on human health.
What foods do you eat on an Atkins diet?
Remember that the author of this diet plan developed and published its principles in 1972. The Atkins diet plan was not popular at that time. They remembered it only in 1992 when the low-carb diet fad arrived. Today we invite you to find out about 10 myths about the Atkins diet. This material will be helpful for people who want to lose weight but are still at a crossroads due to many contradictions.
The low-carb Atkins diet doesn’t work.
If a person under the term “work” understands only the speed of weight loss, then the Atkins diet refers to workers. A large number of studies have proven that the effectiveness of this diet is relatively high. Obese people have achieved tremendous success. In addition to losing weight, they also managed to eliminate such serious metabolic diseases as high insulin resistance and hypoglycemia.
The Atkins diet plan is not ideal if steady weight loss is essential to you. On the other hand, no diet can be. All nutrition programs at a certain level have problems retaining the results obtained. If you lose weight quickly while using the Atkins diet, maintaining these results will not be easy.
Low-carb diets have been shown to give quick results, but it is challenging to maintain weight over a long period. Often, the problem of excess weight is associated with a disruption of the endocrine system, which is very difficult to eliminate, and sometimes it is simply impossible.
Many studies have confirmed the success of the Atkins diet.
Modern people usually look for information on the Internet. In the case of the Atkins diet plan, you will likely find primarily promotional and news articles related to various studies.
However, all this is only one side of the coin. To get reliable information about the effectiveness of any diet, not just the Atkins program, you should carefully read the study results. Only in this case can you count on the efficacy or usefulness of various diets.
The Atkins diet does not raise cholesterol levels.
Let’s move on to the third of the 10 Atkins diet myths. At the end of 2003, an extensive investigation that lasted twelve months was completed. One group of subjects ate a regular diet, in which about 60 percent of the nutrients were carbohydrates. Representatives of the second group used the Atkins program. Consequently, in people from the second group, the blood lipid composition had better indicators than in the first group.
Many people today know that saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease. Because of this, it can assume that low-carb diets can harm health because they recommend consuming enough saturated fat.
Many respected nutritionists question this claim, but the exact answer to the question has not been received. So, for example, in some studies, the subjects did not fully follow the recommendations of the Atkins diet, or they took drugs that lower cholesterol levels.
Of course, we can view not all types of fat from one perspective. Tran’s fats or heat-treated substances pose severe risks to the body. At the same time, omega-3 positively affects the functioning of various systems of the human body. Additionally, when consumed in moderation, many fats can also be beneficial.
No weight gain after the Atkins diet
It is perhaps the most common of all 10 Atkins diet myths. The author of the diet ensures that his nutritional plan provides an opportunity to maintain body weight at the same level in the long term. At the same time, the basic rule of thumb for weight loss is that the faster you lose weight, the harder it will be to maintain the gains you make.
You should remember that you can lose weight by losing fluid, muscle or other tissue, glycogen, and not just body fat. Almost every low-carb diet plan has a retroactive effect, resulting in mass gain after the diet is over. Suppose you want to minimize this phenomenon, even after refusing to use the Atkins diet. In that case, you must limit yourself to food. In the meantime, we should wait for new long-term studies. Certainly, preparations are now underway for an experiment designed for 5 years.

In the Atkins diet, the calorie content of the diet does not matter.
Also very popular of the 10 Atkins diet myths. The author of the diet is sure that it does not matter how many calories a person consumes daily. He recommended that his followers take as much food as they wanted. The Atkins diet involves replacing most carbohydrates with fats, which saturate the body much better.
However, despite the assurance of Atkins, you should not consume as much food as you would like. It’s just that your hunger won’t be as noticeable as it is with other diet plans. Every diet should follow the principle of weight loss – it should consume calories less than they are expended. Only in this case can you lose body weight. Of course, this does not mean that you must constantly calculate every calorie. It is enough to limit the amount of low-fat consumption and eat food in small portions, but often.
Maximum fat loss during the Atkins diet
Average weight loss is a loss of one kilogram of mass within a week. Thanks to the nutrition plan, Atkins guarantees that this figure can be from 6 to 8 kilos. The author of the diet, when he developed it, was primarily guided by the fastest possible weight loss. It is the case with almost all nutrition plans.
The main mistake of all such programs is that they do not consider the possibility of weight loss in various tissues. When weight loss is high, it is not due to fat mass but fluid or muscle tissue. In this case, the percentage of adipose tissue will be a maximum of half and usually only about 30 percent. So to lose weight, you should not lose weight but burn fat. Remember that when you lose weight fast, you will lose mostly muscle mass, not fat.
After the Atkins diet, people gain fat from carbohydrates.
Another severe misconception, which is also very widespread among all 10 myths about the Atkins diet. First, it is necessary to monitor the total daily calorie intake only after paying attention to the ratio of the primary nutrients.
Blaming only carbohydrates for obesity is entirely wrong. These substances are different; some are good for your figure and do not contribute to weight gain. Such carbohydrates are complex, such as starch and fiber. The primary sources of these substances are fruits, various grains, vegetables, and other plant-based products.
Simple carbohydrates in sweets and juices can lead to weight gain. Simply put, simple carbohydrates are sugars. Even though Atkins mentions this characteristic of carbohydrates in his work, he still recommends excluding all forms of this nutrient from the diet. If complex carbohydrates are not in your diet, this can disrupt the endocrine system.