Flirt: How to flirt properly


Flirt; how to flirt correctly? The art of flirting and its rules. The article will discuss the ability to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, with whom there is a desire to flirt. Flirting is a game of love aimed at pleasing the opposite sex. There is a whole system of vocal processes that anyone can study. A person himself can organize his personal life if he puts all his effort into this. However, you should figure out how to build a line of behavior correctly so that the thing you like draws attention to flirting.

Prerequisites for the beginning of the exchange of liquids between people

The art of flirting and its rules. The article will discuss the ability to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, with whom there is a desire to flirt. Flirting is a game of love aimed at pleasing the opposite sex. There is a whole system of vocal processes that anyone can study. A person himself can organize his personal life if he puts all his effort into this. However, you should figure out how to build a line of behavior correctly so that the thing you like draws attention to flirting.

Prerequisites for the beginning of the exchange of liquids between people

Compassion does not just arise because some factors are essential for its formation.

In most cases, flirting begins in the following situations that attract the interest of the opposite sex:

  • Physical attraction …A man and a woman initially love with their eyes, which is indisputable. Conversations about an instant spiritual connection between partners are often nothing more than an excuse for intimacy based on mutual attraction in the form of a beautiful and romantic story about family spirit. Flirting involves the beginning of contact between people that can end in different ways depending on the situation.
  • Similar Interests …In many themed clubs, flirting between members of the opposite sex often occurs because potential partners are attracted to each other by their common interests. If people simultaneously like each other physically, there is a high probability that the flirtation that has developed between them will end in a serious relationship. Invite her to play australia online casino real money.
  • Loneliness …This factor can seriously change the behavior of an individual. Even the so-called blue sock will openly flirt with a member of the opposite sex if there is no strength left to be constantly alone with himself.
  • Revenge on a former comrade …There are no perfect people in this world, so predicting human actions is a very thankless task. Resentment towards your superior can sometimes force an angry person to commit downright stupid things for which they are ashamed. To annoy the guilty party, some people desperately start flirting with another person and do everything for the show.
  • Total boredom …Sometimes, people start flirting with the opposite sex simply because they have nothing to let their imaginations run wild. To somehow add variety to the gray everyday life, they start looking at the chosen object. Such flirting cannot be called severe because it does not imply a serious intention for a long-term relationship.
  • Share …Even this factor can become a reason to flirt with another person. It is a group of people who create the image of an impregnable fortress. As a result, many people are ready to remove this image and make it only to elevate their character in friends’ eyes. Share your online activity at with your friends.
  • Predatory Instincts …Some women don’t care what their chosen flirting object looks like. They can get eyeballs from literally anyone because they do it mechanically. The same can be said about masculine ladies’ men, who see almost every woman as a potential object of intimacy.
  • Sexual promiscuity …In this case, we are talking about andro mania (nymphomania) in women and satyriasis in men. Such playful individuals are constantly on the lookout for playful flirting. They do not know peace because they are in an endless search for an object for an intimate relationship at once.

Important! Flirting is a positive phenomenon because it releases the so-called hormones of joy and happiness. But in some cases, such activities become a habit that can end badly.

Types of flirting between a woman and a man

It may seem surprising to many that flirting has different categories when defining its essence.

Psychologists, after studying the phenomenon that resonated, made the following classification of types of flirting between people:

  • Flirting attraction …If people, who meet each other’s eyes, feel a spark flow between them, they begin to exchange fluids. Motionless touches and meaningful glances betray those ready to continue closer communication.
  • Flirting practice can also be called sharpening claws in a communication test with the opposite sex. Young people who have not been in a relationship before are trying to build their own behavior model with potential partners similarly.
  • Flirting duty …This unfortunate fact suggests that sometimes people have to do things they don’t want to do. They sometimes try to seduce an extremely unpleasant something for them because this will benefit them in the future.
  • Flirting habit …As mentioned before, in some cases, a person flirts just mechanically. In the subconscious of each member of the opposite sex, he begins to see it as a potential partner. At the same time, his hot looks do not mean anything because real feelings do not drive such attraction.
  • Flirting competition …In this case, one immediately remembers Frank Oz’s film “Reckless Scammers,” where the impressive performance of Steve Martin and Michael Caine showed how professional lecturers-adventurers behave in a duel with each other for the main prize.
  • Flirting Hunt …Such people’s main thing is getting a trophy under any circumstances. The mode of interest of passion may not even correspond to the canons expressed about the attraction of a hunter. In this case, the process is essential, not the desire to create a serious relationship.

Rules for successful flirting with a potential partner

In each case, it is essential to build the line of your behavior to achieve the desired results. However, the issue of gender occurs when all the subtleties of such a phenomenon as flirting with the opposite sex are studied.

Flirt with the guy you like

Some people find it easy to conquer the male gender. But in practice, the voice version does not correspond to the truth. After a series of mistakes, young ladies wonder how to correctly flirt with a young man they like.

For this, psychologists have developed several recommendations that look like this:

  • Listening skills …When flirting, you must present your availability as well as possible to maintain a relationship with a person. However, this does not mean that he should listen for hours on end about the undoubted advantages of his interlocutor. When they meet a boy, some girls dump all the burden of their accumulated problems on the poor guy. It should remember that a man will be happy with a girl who can understand all the depths of the inner world.
  • Strange glances …Do not go to extremes, as one of the daughters of the evil stepmother was taught to draw in the movie “Cinderella.” Warmth, according to the system, “in the corner – on the nose – on the object” in a similar style will only scare a person away. However, a moderately playful appearance can attract the attention of the guy you like.
  • Frank flirted …There is such a class of men who must take all the power of their female charms with pressure. It does not mean it needs to be put in a corner in the literal sense. You need to make it clear to the thing that you like that they are interested in them and are ready for further communication at a new level of relationship.
  • An elegant accessory …Don’t forget that men love with their eyes in most cases. They will not skimp on well-chosen jewelry. Emphasis should be placed on the most favorable parts of the body to emphasize their attractiveness. With a graceful neck, it is recommended to wear a necklace if you plan to attend social events and an original chain in everyday life. A catchy ring or bracelet is a winning option if the woman has beautiful and well-groomed hands.

Attention! All the rules of how to flirt with a guy are usually related to his visual perception of fair sex. A woman should initially resemble a man outwardly so that their relationship would have a logical continuation in the future.

Flirt with the girl you like

It is sometimes tough to find an approach with some ladies because they willingly accept the conditions of a manhunter’s game.

However, psychologists have foreseen this fact, having developed such tips for young men:

  • The initiative… Sometimes, women willingly show it if they spot an attractive man for themselves. However, waiting for the first step from a foreigner in sales can mean getting nothing. Representatives of the strong half of humanity must always control the situation and be ready for anything. The girl you like will not ignore active contact with her because this will flatter her pride. The only exception will be when the lady frankly does not like the young man, and his flirting causes her only hostility and irritation.
  • Compliments …Every girl will be exposed to great speeches if she realizes everything said was said from a pure heart. It is necessary to focus on the undoubted advantages of a potential partner, which she knows about. If a woman is educated, she should praise her mental abilities. With the attractive appearance of the girl you like, you can endlessly emphasize this fact in a conversation. Women love their ears, so they never tire of hearing about their fantastic beauty and intelligence.
  • Fun trifles …No girl will look down on a young man who, while flirting, brought her flowers or a fun toy. All this will indicate that the gentleman is interested in her and shows a continued acquaintance in every possible way. Let modernity cost quite a bit, but in this case, the lady will appreciate the attention, not the price tag.
  • A surprise act …Every girl will love it when something unusual is done for her. A bouquet bought in a store will not make her as happy as the flowers the boyfriend collected with his own hands. It does not mean robbing them of a public flower bed. Still, it is not so difficult to produce an extravagant performance.
  • Humor …You can’t win a girl without laughing. The ability to tell a funny story and history and put a joke in her story will be appreciated by every representative of the fair sex. After all, people who know how to enjoy life, and sparkle with positivity, always attract attention. It is easy and straightforward to communicate with them, creating a feeling of old acquaintances and a desire to continue it.

Important! In the first stage of acquaintance, the main thing is not to overdo it in seduction. Excessive pressure can only scare the woman you like and not attract her attention. It is necessary to clearly understand how to flirt with a girl without negative consequences.

Flirting between mature people

In adolescence, flirting sometimes comes naturally because young people do not yet know all the basics of a relationship between a man and a woman.

If potential partners are already in adulthood, then they should listen to the following suggestions of experts on how to learn to flirt with that which they like:

  • A benevolent smile …Initially, you should show that a person is engaged in further communication with all your behavior. It would help if you showed your feelings openly but did not cross the border of obsession. In addition, a constantly smiling person can give the impression of a very narrow-minded person.
  • Look for common interests …If a potential partner is already an adult, you must establish an emotional connection with the person you like by flirting. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to the interlocutor to discover his wishes and desires.
  • Asking for advice …Most of all, people are moved by the fact that their opinion matters. When flirting, you can ask two people to share information that the interlocutor is capable of possessing. At the same time, this action must be accompanied by a warm expression and a benevolent smile, endearing when flirting in adulthood.


Joint fluid exchange is an exciting process for people of all ages. It’s essential to build your flirting right to please your choice. You can kill a budding relationship with one word, and with a tender look, you can ignite real passion in the heart of the chosen one.